Saturday 8 June 2013

the truth

some of us live a lie all our life, some wear a mask and pretend to be someone they're not, some change their masks as they move into the different scenes in life, others smile and laugh when they're not behind the beautiful and complete portrait they've painstakingly painted; with lies, the untrue and nonexistent.

someday the curtain will drop, someday someone slips backstage and sometimes we invite trusted ones behind to have a seat while we remove all the pretentious facade that keeps us sane, acceptable and aligned in society's eyes and values.

sometimes we look at the people we think we've known for the longest time, and realise that they're the way they're because there really isn't any other way out. while the more blessed and ignorant ones, simply live, eat and sleep on the performing stage. perhaps things are easier that way.

I guess I'll be living my own lie till the day that I get to make my truth come true.

what's yours?

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