Wednesday 16 October 2013

personal space, the phone and the web

I just finished customising my twitter background and display picture, picked the most recent and presentable photos for Facebook's display picture and cover photo and not to forget, tweaked the blog and this new header to a good fit.

Hello narcissism. Everyone loves being presentable and well presented, what more on their own platforms. I started blogging again recently, but as you can tell, haven't been that committed. Used to be the blogger that had my own blogskin properly done right down to the last code, each button was customised, you wouldn't find anything else similar on the web elsewhere. But lookie now, nowhere near dude.

I'm not lazy, but perhaps things like that don't excite me any more, but nonetheless, glad to be back to air my thoughts. In fact, really glad! What could have been better? If I had my own work station of course.

Different people define their own work stations in different ways, some find comfort in their laptop, some find it in their own personal desk while others might have filled their mobile phones with their souls and everything related to life. I can't imagine what happens when they lose it. I didn't pour my life into a 4-inch hand held, so it wasn't that bad when it went missing. But nonetheless, it sucked, real bad.

To value-add to your read, check out the app "Look Out" it's available on both Apple and Android platforms and gives you a better chance of getting your lost phone back!

Moving on to man's next best friend, that lives on battery packs and portable chargers since the usual batteries won't do it. My Samsung Galaxy S4 Active cannot last a day without the portable charger I got from the IT show. What a real first world problem. Gotta admit I cannot stop checking Twitter and Instagram when in the first place, I don't even follow that many people! haha

I'm picky about the people I follow by the way, who wants to open their Instagram to a feed filled with... nonsense? haha

Anyway, getting back to topic, having attended a few marketing seminars recently shed more light on how cellphones have evolved from being the device to communicate to one that can do so much more; socialise, check, educate, entertain and errr stalk people on? haha, I mean, no one needs to attend a seminar to know all that, it's all happening around us.

But quite interestingly, the figures being put forth by the professionals are quite interesting! And their studies on how despite social media platforms that were meant to replace chunky traditional e-mails, are actually, sending you e-mails! Not to forget, the average amount of time a person checks his/her phone a day! Did you guess it already? Well, the web says 110, but local studies came up with 54, I guess Asians are pretty much less distracted then. And that all shows how much potential and value there is in investing in cellphone related apps and accessories. Don't forget me when you make it big. ;)

The cellphone definitely is a PA and more, that's why many people are sent into a whirl when they lose their cell! Social Media IS taking the world by storm, but then again, how much of the existing content are sought after? 

Quite honestly, most of these 'popular social media influencers' aren't worth following, well at least to me, if you're honestly looking for interesting reads and insightful content.

I honestly cannot imagine scrolling a blogpost which is 80% filled with images depicting this person's attempt in making 54 different facial expressions in the same setting. But it amuses me that people ARE following such influencers, I have no idea how that value adds to anything at all. The again, long texty ones like this are boring as well. :P

There are people out there who make the attempt to gather good content and offer more than their 5 cents worth and I find that truly commendable! To top it off, some of them are such good lookers that they can probably finish a blogpost with a swimsuit photo without looking offensive. whether it is by figure of speech or not.

Maybe one day when I finally have my own workstation and trusty camera then can I be fully back on the social media platform! :)